tzucker wrote:Seems that the downloader downloads only 2 at a time even when it is set to 3
doesn't designate iso folder correctly - downloads to installation folder
when I try to download windows98_SE.img it says it is corrupted and retrying gets the same message
I hadn't read the bug reporting guidelines before this post, so here is some more info:
Windows 7 Professional 64bit
Sardu install on 2nd physical drive of 2 drive system
primary drive is SSD
secondary drive is 7200 rpm HDD (1TB)
SARDU beta 7
Many of the ISOs that are linked to from the SARDU software won't download because the app says they are corrupt (see list below for partial list of downloads).
I changed the download number from 3 to 5 and instead of only 2 at a time downloading, 3 download at a time.
The DE Cleaner Rettungs CD link returns "Link not found"
Ultimate Boot CD returns "Link not found"
Some return ISO NOT ASSIGNED errors - does this have to do with licensing?
The down pointing blue arrow that if you hover over says click to download, doesn't do anything
The red trashcans in the download window don't work unless I click twice rapidly (not the expected behavior - if this is the correct behavior it needs to be stated)
The size under the SARDU symbol on the bottom right hand side does not seem to recalculate like it did in version 2.x
This is an example of part of the download report:
- Code: Select all
Start download of AVG Rescue CD...
Start download of DrWeb LiveCD...
Start download of Anvi Rescue...
Start download of VBA32 Rescue...
Start download of Avira Rescue System...
vbarescue.iso downloaded!
Start download of Ubuntu MRT...
...Extracting from D:\downloads\SARDU_3_beta7\sardu_3\ISO\
MRT_Ubuntu-MRT*.iso downloaded!
Start download of Antivirus Live CD...
Start download of Floppy MsDos...
File Windows98_SE.img corrupted
Start download of Clonezilla AMD64...
File clonezilla-live-2.2.1-25-i686-pae.iso corrupted
Start download of Clonezilla Saucy 64...
File clonezilla_saucy-live-20140114-saucy-amd64.iso corrupted
Start download of Macrium Rescue Linux...
Start download of NT password...
...Extracting from D:\downloads\SARDU_3_beta7\sardu_3\ISO\