I'm proud to announce the first beta of SARDU 3.x multiboot builder that works under Linux.
This release is a porting of the Windows version ( beta 6) and preserve the number of version. Is the best solution for test the Live of Linux, use Rescue CD and have a lot of utilities in a pen drive.

SARDU multiboot builder support the boot from EFI, at this moment only a few of live are supported (we have to add all ISOs in next releases).
SARDU 3 for linux need two dependences:
- libx11-6:i386
- libgtk2.0-0:i386
In Debian based you can launch this command from a console:
- Code: Select all
sudo apt-get install libx11-6:i386
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-0:i386
This version works fine until 30/12/2014 (we'll release new version befor this date

Let us know if all works fine

Davide Costa
P.S. Thanks to Matteo Saderi for developing and to Silvio Pilia and Mauro Casula for beta testing